Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus
SCUBA consists of the following equipment:
- Cylinder (Bottle) - Aluminum, Charged
with air to approximately 3000 psig.
- Regulator with cylinder pressure
gage - Reduces the air pressure and delivers it to the diver.
- Mask - Protects the eyes from the
water and assists with underwater vision.
- Fins - Propulsion.
- Buoyancy Compensator/Life Vest -
Emergency Floatation and maintains neutral buoyancy.
- Knife - To free yourself if you get
caught in line underwater, not to attack Great Whites with.
- Depth Gage - To ensure that you do NOT
exceed the "No Decompression" Limits.
- Weight Belt (Optional) - Offsets any
positive buoyancy.
- Dive Partner - Never dive alone.
- Basic understanding of Diving Medicine
- Specifically Arterial Gas Embolism and DCS.
An Emergency Plan -
Plan to follow in case of a casualty.
NOTE: Do not SCUBA dive
unless you are properly trained, in good physical condition and have a diving buddy.
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Copyright 1998, Deep Sea Diving
Last revised: April 09, 2000